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Labox 30 let
Specialists for cleanroom
technology and laminar cabintets

ISO 14001

We have successfully completed the ISO 14001 environmental management system certification process.

This step confirms our responsibility towards the environment and the world in which we live.

Our products and services are and have always been designed and implemented with an emphasis on sustainability and environmental protection. As one of the few, we provide a technological guarantee to ensure service and spare parts throughout the lifetime of our products, at least for 10 years. We continue to service and validate many laminar flow cabinets and cleanrooms that we manufactured and successfully put into operation over 30 years ago. In recent years, we have also invested significantly in the innovation of our products and services as well as in digitalization and infrastructure. Thanks to this experience and continuous improvements, it was relatively easy for us to introduce this standard.

As part of the implementation of the ISO 14001 standard, we modified the control processes and regular revisions of environmental management.

By adopting this standard, we want to support our commitment to continuous improvement of our services, products and supplies of investment units.

The certificate is available here.


 LABOX ISO14001 we care about the future